Tags: security, keycloak

Change Kublr Admin Password


  1. get keycloak master password from the Secret kublr:kcp-keycloak-secret

Update kublr admin password:

  1. Login to keycloak UI with the master admin credentials at https://<kcp-url>/auth
  2. Login to Kublr UI with the kublr admin credentials at https://<kcp-url>
  3. Change the password for the admin user in the kublr-ui realm (make sure that "temporary" checkbox is turned off)
  4. Update the kublr admin password in the system cluster specification


  1. Restart all kublr pods

Change Kublr Keycloak Master realm admin password


  1. get the admin kubeconfig for the KCP cluster
  2. get keycloak master password from the Secret kublr:kcp-keycloak-secret

Update master realm admin password

  1. Login to keycloak UI with the master admin credentials at https://<kcp-url>/auth
  2. Change the password for the admin user in the master realm (make sure that "temporary" checkbox is turned off)
  3. Using kubectl update the password correspondingly in the Secret kublr:kcp-keycloak-secret


  1. Restart all kublr pods