[Supported in Kublr 1.21.0 and later]
Tags: elasticsearch, watchers
By default Elasticsearch is configured with a Basic license and SearchGuard plugin for security and access control. You can enable enterprise features manually.
Before beginning, you need to enter your license key on the cluster management page in Kibana or enable trial license.
Previous Kublr versions
For previous Kublr versions ready logging helm packages for installation:
Kublr v1.17.1
Run Kublr in a Box with override logging version
$ docker run --name kublr -e CLUSTER_CONTROLLER_FEATURE_LOGGING_VERSION=1.17.3-2 -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 9080:9080 kublr/kublr:1.17.1
Upgrade your platform, using Kublr in a Box. Modify logging values section for enable watchers
spec: ... features: logging: elasticsearch: cluster: xpackIncluded: true env: XPACK_WATCHER_ENABLED: true keystore: # see Using Watchers section - secretName: elastic-config-secret - items: - key: slack_url path: xpack.notification.slack.account.kublr.secure_url secretName: elastic-config-custom-path logstash: image: name: logstash/logstash searchguard: elasticsearch: image: name: kublr/elasticsearch-sg enabled: true kibana: image: name: kublr/kibana-sg
Kublr v1.20.2
Modify your cluster specification, change Kublr default logging features chart version to 1.20.3-59 in KCP values:
spec: features: controlPlane: values: kublr-api: configComponentsVersion: logging: 1.20.3-59
Restart Kublr API pod
$ kubectl delete po -n kublr -l app=kcp-kublr-api
Go to Kublr UI and upgrade logging to 1.20.3-59
Using Watchers
Prepare secrets for use in Elasticsearch keystore:
# Generate system key file using elasticsearch-syskeygen # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.12/syskeygen.html kubectl create secret -n kublr generic elastic-config-secret --from-file=xpack.watcher.encryption_key=./watcher.key kubectl create secret generic elastic-config-slack -n kublr --from-literal=xpack.notification.slack.account.monitoring.secure_url=https://hooks.slack.com/services/aaa/bbb/aaa kubectl create secret -n kublr generic elastic-config-custom-path --from-literal=slack_url='https://hooks.slack.com/services/aaa/bbb/ccc' --from-literal=thing_i_don_tcare_about=test
Modify cluster spec:
spec: features: logging: values: elasticsearch: cluster: xpackEnabled: true config: xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data: true env: XPACK_WATCHER_ENABLED: true keystore: - secretName: elastic-config-secret - items: - key: slack_url path: xpack.notification.slack.account.kublr.secure_url secretName: elastic-config-custom-path kibana: additionalSettings: xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: Super$ecreKe62312YWordForKibana126% xpack.security.encryptionKey: Super$ecreKe62312YWordForKibana126% xpack.watcher.enabled: true
Create a simple watcher to testing watcher and slack integration:
{ "trigger": { "schedule": { "interval": "30m" } }, "input": { "search": { "request": { "search_type": "query_then_fetch", "indices": [ "kublr*" ], "rest_total_hits_as_int": true, "body": { "size": 0, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": "now-30m" } } } ] } } } } } }, "condition": { "compare": { "ctx.payload.hits.total": { "gt": 1000 } } }, "actions": { "notify-slack": { "slack": { "account": "monitoring", "message": { "from": "kublr", "to": [ "#alerts" ], "text": "Simple Kublr alert", "attachments": [ { "color": "warning", "title": "Alert Details", "text": "{{ctx.payload.hits.total}} events in last 30 mins in kublr logs." } ] } } } } }