Solutions and FAQ

"Let's Encrypt" DNS Solver with AWS Route53 service
Tags: security, ssl, tls, letsencrypt, dns TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Prerequisites Letsencrypt DNS validation with AWS Route53 AWS-Hosted Kublr Cl...
Fri, 7 Jun, 2024 at 5:46 AM
Alertmanager - MS Teams integration
[Supported since Kublr KCP 1.22.1] TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Installing Prometheus-MSTeams connector Add Alertmanager configuration Introd...
Wed, 15 Mar, 2023 at 5:41 PM
Alertmanager: Configure email template
[Supported since Kublr KCP 1.22.1] In Kublr 1.22.1 support is introduced for configuring Alertmanager email templates via Kublr cluster specification. ...
Mon, 7 Feb, 2022 at 4:24 AM
Alertmanager: Customize alerts in cluster specification
[Supported since Kublr KCP 1.22] By default Kublr provide a banch of custom alers for usage out the box. They are disctibed in "Default AlertManage...
Thu, 30 Mar, 2023 at 5:58 AM
Alertmanager: ELK no new document alert
[Affected in Kublr 1.21.2 and earlier] Tags: prometheus, alertmanager, elasticsearch In current Kublr version we have wrong alert rule for detecting po...
Tue, 17 Aug, 2021 at 8:40 AM
AWS: Automatic EC2 Instance Restart on Update
Tags: AWS When Kublr creates an AWS cluster it will create AWS AutoScaling Groups for each node group (and for each individual instance in stateful node...
Thu, 5 Aug, 2021 at 4:40 PM
AWS: Configure Instance Groups with Spot Instances and Mixed Instance Policy
Tags: aws, cost TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Spot instances with groups of type 'asg-mip' Spot instances with groups of type 'asg-lt' ...
Fri, 18 Nov, 2022 at 4:52 PM
AWS: Deploy Cluster with EFS Persistence
TABLE OF CONTENTS Kublr Cluster Configuration EFS KMS Encryption AWS IAM Configuration Tags: aws, persistence, storage, efs, security, encryption...
Mon, 19 Feb, 2024 at 12:32 PM
AWS: EFS Persistence with EFS CSI Driver
Tags: aws, persistence, storage, efs, csi driver, aws-csi-driver Kublr Cluster Configuration The following cluster specification excerpt deploys ...
Mon, 25 Mar, 2024 at 9:29 AM
AWS: How to install Velero without additional permissions and policies
TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview and preparations Step 1: Prerequisites  Step 2: Create AWS S3 bucket Step 3: Change configuration for Master Nodes in Cluste...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 9:00 AM