[Supported since Kublr KCP 1.22.1]
Integration Alertmanager with Microsoft Teams allows you to receive alerts in Teams channels and collaborate with your team to resolve issues quickly. We are suggest to use Prometheus-MSTeams. This is a lightweight Go Web Server that receives POST alert messages from Prometheus Alert Manager and sends it to a Microsoft Teams Channel using an incoming webhook url.
Installing Prometheus-MSTeams connector
- Open Kubl cluster specification
- Add the following code to the "packages" section:
packages: prometheus-msteams: chart: name: prometheus-msteams url: https://github.com/prometheus-msteams/prometheus-msteams/releases/download/prometheus-msteams-1.3.3/prometheus-msteams-1.3.3.tgz helmVersion: v3.7.2 namespace: kublr releaseName: prometheus-msteams values: connectors: - msteams-alerts: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/xxxx/xxxx container: additionalArgs: - '-debug' # Feel free to remove debug after testing installation image: repository: quay.io/prometheusmsteams/prometheus-msteams tag: v1.5.1 replicaCount: 1
- Additional custom helm package properties can be found here
Add Alertmanager configuration
- Open Kublr cluster specification
- Add the following code to the "monitoring" section:
values: alertmanager: #This is alert sample for testing alerts: - alert: UP annotations: description: Count UP summary: Test Alert expr: count(up) > 0 for: 10s labels: feature: pod level: pod severity: critical config: #By default you can override default receiver as well default_receiver: msteams-alerts receivers: | - name: msteams-alerts webhook_configs: - send_resolved: true url: 'http://prometheus-msteams.kublr:2000/msteams-alerts'
- If you changed default values in chart installation you need to change it in "values" as well.
- Apply the cluster specification
- Message templates customization described here.