Tags: azure, backup, persistence

Kublr creates a private storage account for each Azure cluster to use for Kublr agent coordination and synchronization medium.

This storage account may be configured to be backed up by Azure Backup Vault in the same way as any other storage account.

Follow Azure documentation to create Azure Backup Vault and configure backup policies and backups for Kublr Storage account:


The process includes the following steps:

  • Make sure that Kublr cluster for which you want to configure the storage account backup uses storage account V2.

    This is default in Kublr 1.21 and later, but for earlier versions of Kublr you may need to customized the cluster specification and update the cluster so that the storage account type is upgraded.
    Note, that the storage account type can only be upgraded, not downgraded.

    The cluster specification changes required in Kublr 1.20 and earlier are as follows:

    - name: azure1
            kind: StorageV2