Tags: kcp
Sometimes it is necessary to interrupt a cluster update or another long-running operation manually.
This article describes how it can be done via Kublr API. This is especially important for older versions of Kublr because operation interruption was only introduced in Kublr UI starting with Kublr 1.18.
Interrupt operation
# Login/get TOKEN export KCP_URL=https://my-kcp-endpoint-url export KCP_USERNAME=admin export KCP_PASSWORD=kublrbox eval "$(curl -s -k \ -d "grant_type=password" \ -d "scope=openid" \ -d "client_id=kublr-ui" \ -d "username=${KCP_USERNAME}" \ -d "password=${KCP_PASSWORD}" \ "${KCP_URL}/auth/realms/kublr-ui/protocol/openid-connect/token" | \ jq -r '"REFRESH_TOKEN="+.refresh_token,"TOKEN="+.access_token,"ID_TOKEN="+.id_token')" # Interrupt cluster operation # which cluster operation to interrupt SPACE=default CLUSTER=cluster-cr curl -ksSf -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ -XGET "${KCP_URL}/api/spaces/${SPACE}/cluster/${CLUSTER}" | jq '.status.state="Error"' | curl -ksSf -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-binary '@-' \ -XPUT "${KCP_URL}/api/spaces/${SPACE}/cluster/${CLUSTER}"